Mike Donaroma, a fourth generation Vineyarder, started his landscaping career as a teenager when he maintained clients’ lawns and worked at the Island Country Club, now Farm Neck. After graduating from Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, he attended University of Massachusetts at Stockbridge, earning a degree in Agronomy with extra studies in herbaceous perennials. He continued with graduate courses at Harvard University and Radcliffe. Returning to the Island with new technical knowledge and his can-do attitude, he planted the seed of a lifelong dream — a full-service nursery and landscaping company on Martha’s Vineyard!
A few years down the garden path, Mike married Janice, a gifted Landscape Designer, who shared his passion for all things floral. Creating their own little Garden of Eden, they had a son, Jeffrey. Years later, Jeff followed his father’s footsteps by attending University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he earned a degree in Landscape Architecture. Jeff married Gislaine Barbosa in 2015 and she is now the manager of Eden Gardens by Donaroma’s in Vineyard Haven. In 2017, baby Jordan Elizabeth joined the family. More than four decades later, the-little-seed-that-could continues to bloom and grow!